Maps & Directions
Santa Barbara Country Dance Society

Carrillo Ballroom View Map

100 E. Carrillo St.

Exit US 101 at Carrillo St. Turn east on Carrillo. Go five or six blocks. As soon as you cross Anacapa St., the Carrillo Recreation Center and Ballroom are on your right.

Please note the double-R in "Carrillo" and beware of the devilishly similar street names and exits that tempt you to go astray.

First Presbyterian Church View Map

21 E. Constance Ave.
Santa Barbara

From 101, exit Mission St. and turn north (NE actually). Turn left on State St.

Take State Street to Constance Ave. and turn north (NE actually) onto Constance, then second driveway on left into parking lot.

Church is on the north corner of State St. and Constance Ave.

Enter parking lot from Constance Ave.

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